
Showing posts from October, 2023

What are your thoughts?

 Hello everyone and welcome back! Today's faltu-friday blog may be slightly eccentric as opposed to my previous posts. This time, it's not going to be me speaking of a topic myself, but rather, one which I encourage you to speak up on. Do you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears?  So, I request you to drop your comments (either private or public) on the quote above. Signing off, Kuhu :)


 Have you ever simply thought of a product and it randomly pops onto your Instagram feed? Welcome to ✨Neuromarketing✨ Let's break the term down first. Neuro: concerning the brain Marketing: Well yes, promoting a product or service. The field of neuromarketing—aka consumer neuroscience—studies the brain to predict and maybe even manipulate consumer behaviour and decision-making.  As simple as that.  In the past, decision-making used to be uncomplicated. However, in today's world, consumers are overwhelmed with information, and even the most basic products are surrounded by countless options. Marketers are trying to understand the customer, what they are looking for, and changing their outlook towards a particular product. Let me give you 2 examples to simplify this concept: There are more than 200 different brands of bottled water available in India. Why does someone prefer a Bisleri to Dasani? Can this preference be generalised? There is no single, straightforward answer to thi

Dealing with Braggers

(Don't be this person!)  Hello hello and welcome backzo! Last week, I covered the topic, 'Science of Bragging' , and as promised, today's blog is on how to address one.  (Because obviously, problem ke baad solution dena padta hai; customary) Anywhoo, here are a few of my reflections from experiences and I hope you all can relate to and also incorporate them into your lives :) Without further ado, Let's get to it! 1) Listen politely and change the subject or leave when you can Do it naturally and sincerely. Don't try to come off as overly disinterested and apathetic to show them how uninterested you are. Just be friendly and engaged enough, let them finish their self-promotion, and then change the topic or excuse yourself. Even if they're trying to put you down, playing it cool and being polite can often work well. Just smile and nod, as if they're sharing some random piece of information. Don't let them see that they're getting to you. 2) Call th

Let's Talk about Bragging.

 Heilo heilo and welcome backzo! Aaj ka blog is based on something that I, you, and literally every other person has dealt with; and maybe even endorsed (it's alright - trial and error process ya!) ✨Bragging✨ Now some of us may have done it intentionally; others, unintentionally; and a third category does it so much that you forget that you're doing it in the first place! It's sort of like lying. You lie once, you lie a 100 times. None of us like to speak to a vain boaster, but sometimes, we're too quick to judge.  So, in today's post, let's break down the science of bragging: Why do people brag? Simply put, to mask themselves. 90% of the time, people who brag are in reality, unknowingly, insecure about themselves and so they find a need to validate themselves by putting others down; or raising their level. More fancily put, braggers monopolize a conversation, paint a distorted picture of their lives, and use good news to justify their inflated sense of self-wor