Dealing with Braggers

(Don't be this person!)

 Hello hello and welcome backzo!
Last week, I covered the topic, 'Science of Bragging', and as promised, today's blog is on how to address one. 

(Because obviously, problem ke baad solution dena padta hai; customary)

Anywhoo, here are a few of my reflections from experiences and I hope you all can relate to and also incorporate them into your lives :)

Without further ado,
Let's get to it!

1) Listen politely and change the subject or leave when you can

Do it naturally and sincerely. Don't try to come off as overly disinterested and apathetic to show them how uninterested you are. Just be friendly and engaged enough, let them finish their self-promotion, and then change the topic or excuse yourself.

Even if they're trying to put you down, playing it cool and being polite can often work well. Just smile and nod, as if they're sharing some random piece of information. Don't let them see that they're getting to you.

2) Call them aside for a minute

ONLY IF YOU'RE CLOSE TO THEM and you think it could help, have a casual chat with them on the side and let them know they're bragging a tad. They might not even realize it, and your feedback could be quite appreciated. Do it privately so they can save face in front of others. The goal isn't to call them out in front of everyone. How would that make you any better?

3) The obvious. 
Sometimes, you just don't have the energy to deal with a braggart. My go-to solution is simply to think about what I COULD do them but wouldn't in reality and go rant to my best friend about them.
Don't mistake this as "bad-mouthing" however. 
Sometimes, despite telling the person a million times or them knowing it's a brag, they refuse to budge. You can only do so much - it comes down to the braggart at the end of the day.

Everyone has a level of tolerance. IMO, metacognitise and just think about conversations you've had with people and how they've reacted. Sometimes you realise you're bragging about yourself, you don't need someone else to come up to you and state the obvious.
Try your best to be a modest person and know your moments.
Be someone you like.

That was it for the 2-part series! I hope you enjoyed it :)
Don't forget to share and comment for more <3

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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