Chilling out for Clarity

Disclaimer: This blog post is not to promote taking ice baths or condone the fact that ice baths can cure your Mental Health. It's only a concept that I came across recently and thought of shedding some light on! If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out to a professional.

Hello everyone and welcome backzo <3

In all honesty, I saw a reel about this on Instagram and of course, I had to go researching it :)

Here's what I found out:

In the literal sense, an ice bath is sitting in a tub with really cold water/filled with ice, for about 10-15 minutes.

When you come in direct contact with the water, your blood vessels constrict, redirecting blood towards vital organs. This constriction is intensified by norepinephrine(fight or flight), a hormone and neurotransmitter released under stress. When leaving the cold water, blood vessels reopen, improving circulation and blood flow.
The vagus nerve, responsible for heart rate, blood pressure, and stress response, is activated during ice baths. This activation has a calming effect, reducing stress levels and tension.

(or so it was thought)
The proof of the same is under research but here are a few benefits many claim to have had post an ice-bath include:

It builds resilience
Ice baths not only offer short-term stress relief but also contribute to long-term stress resilience. Regular exposure to cold water regulates the release of stress hormones, making people more resilient to stressful situations over time. This controlled stress adaptation, as observed in cold water swimmers, decreases cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone, and builds a robust defence system.

It alleviates mental health symptoms and mood
I use the term 'alleviate' here specifically as it may only HELP reduce the intensity of disorders such as anxiety or mood disorder, NOT CURE IT ENTIRELY. 
Ice baths re-energise you. They produce a sense of optimism and well-being which in turn promotes better brain functions such as enhancing mental focus.

The science behind ice baths and mental health is promising, but more research is needed. Ice baths, when approached with mindfulness and caution, may offer a unique and refreshing approach to promoting mental well-being. As with any mental health strategy, responses may vary; and seeking professional advice is essential for those dealing with mental health challenges.

That was it for today!
Don't forget to share and follow for more <3

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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