
Hey everyone,

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Should we incorporate journaling into our daily lives?

This was a question I had asked myself when I had initially started journaling.

I'm sure we are all familiar with the term 'journaling'. We may have even tried it out for a while but failed to keep up with it after a couple of days(I did too). For me the main reason was that I tried doing this daily and made it a "task" rather than an easing mechanism.

About a year after giving up on journaling I finally decided to take it up again to help with my anxiety. To my surprise-IT WORKS! Penning down your thoughts helps. So, I thought why not share it's importance in our lives through a post :)

When we think of the term journaling the first thought or rather picture that comes to our minds look something like this or something that you saw above: 

Something really aesthetic and good looking which makes it perfect for an Instagram post. Loads of colours, highlighters, pictures and what not. Even though the presentation looks spectacular-it spoils the purpose of the very journal. It is meant to be an escape to vent your thoughts, clear your head and navigate through a situation better. The more time you spend towards giving an artistic look the lesser time you get towards actually writing. Don't get me wrong, make it creative-but don't make that the very purpose of the activity. It's your page, your book-you don't have to impress someone through it. It can look as basic as this:

This is how simple it can look. Be it notes to yourself, taking down down important dates and events or simply just a rant session-kuch bhi ho sakta hai. 

More you focus towards the look, more time you spend, more drained out you get and lose the motivation to do it on a regular basis.

Now that we covered that part, let's move on to the next question:

How does journaling help our mental health?

I'll be sharing my experience here :)

As I type out this blog post, my thought system is compelled to slow down, and when I write, it’s even slower. For me, anxiety produces overwhelming and racing mind with overlapping layers of thoughts that all branch off and spin out of control. When I write, it’s like those thoughts are pressured into a bottleneck, and I can parse through them to generate something semi-coherent. It’s a comforting, albeit brief, respite.

Weekly journaling has also helped me notice a pattern of different emotions I feel, often in a pattern, and helps me understand myself better. Be it a swing of negative thoughts or overexcitement about something-it helps understand it.
Journaling helps with reflection, healing, resolve traumas, understanding past experiences, boosting your mood and reduce stress. When you write down your pent-up emotions, it acts as a good release and is step is a significant turning point in facing your emotions. 

Like I keep mentioning, IT HELPS YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.

Don't do it har roz-no one's forcing you-but try your level best to do it at least weekly or every 
2-3 days :)

That was it for today! Please don't forget to share and comment for more content!!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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