
Showing posts from September, 2020


 Spectacles.  The most annoying thing right? I did a survey of around 15 people who have specs and literally every single person said that they are the most irritating thing on earth. I agree to this too. Welcome back to month 2 of  "Faltu Friday" where I talk about something totally random which ya'll may relate to :) I got chashma  about a year a ago and OMG its literally been the worst thing ever! Well after braces. It initially started out with a low negative power but then it went zoop after a few weeks. For me it started with not being able to see my school board AT ALL. It was all so hazy with words jumbling up, which probably most of you experience if you don't wear specs and try to look far.  After 3 weeks of this, I finally came around and told my mom that I needed specs. So naturally she first took me to a ophthalmologist to check if I needed specs. After the entire process of the eye-drops to going to the shop and getting glasses of the correct power that


  Heyy! Welcome back! Today, I just wanted to throw some light on an important issue that's prevalent. I wanna talk about 'why' rather than 'what' it is.  Therapy. None of us wants to take this seriously. The one's who do, get bullied for it. The terms 'psycho' and 'mental' come to mind when you come across a person who goes to therapy. A lot of people don't even know what it is and assume it as something wrong whereas some don't even allow it and some refuse to believe that something like this exists. Why? Why is it wrong to seek professional help when you cannot deal with something yourself? Why is it so hard to accept the fact that someone is mentally disturbed and cannot open up to his peers? I'm not talking about adult therapy or child therapy here. I have come here to talk about teenage therapy and how it needs to be normalized in our society. Lots of people go through changes which they fear they cannot talk about openly to the

Tests and Exams

Hey! Welcome back!! So, this is related to an incident that I recently went through and for some reason it just affected me more than it actually should.  I had my first tuition test a few weeks ago and ended up scoring sorta low because of dumb mistakes. Sometimes you know the answer, yet you end up writing the wrong one. I'm not kidding. I wrote wrong answers even though I knew the correct one's because I was stressed about the test. There was a question where the correct answer was Volume but I ended up writing DENSITY! It really bummed me out because I had really prepared for this test and lost it due to frivolous mistakes. It took my best friend around 3 days to get me out of my melancholic mood and accept the fact that it's okay to make mistakes. He gave me this really long pep talk on how I should focus on my next test instead of worrying about whats in the past. And that's what really opened my eyes. I was sad because of something in the past whereas I could be

Teacher Cyber-bullying

  Something that has become prevalent now more than ever; a nother type of cyber-bullying, ‘teacher bullying’ is literally the act of teasing them online.   We all know that social media urges people to act impulsively online. A lot of people make accounts by their teachers’ name or post their pictures online or make ‘memes’ out of them. It might make you laugh or might feel relatable but you need to know when to draw the line. There are some which are simply offensive and cannot be tolerated at any cost. How can you stop? STOP POSTING VIDEOS OF THEM WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION! Stop posting their pictures on your story with weird filters and stuff because it's RUDE!    Probably show them SOME respect? I don’t think its so hard. They’re working on a platform completely new to them to teach YOU and they are trying their best. It is disappointing to see how we treat them after what they do to help us.   Try putting yourself in their shoes. They just want what’s best for us and it’s