
 (Not the one in our history textbook but in chemistry!)

Hey everyone and welcome back!

I've been studying Chemistry since 7th grade and every year, we have mostly the same chapters but just a more complex version of it. 

This blog post idea clicked me in the middle of my chemistry class in 11th grade and I thought it would be the perfect analogy to explain a concept relating to our Mental Health - Opinions.

Without further ado,
Let's get to it!

So, right now you might be wondering,

What is a Radical?

In terms of my chemistry textbook in 7th grade,

 A radical is an atom of an element or a group of atoms of different elements that behaves as a single unit with a positive or negative charge on it.

The positive charge arises on it when it gives away electrons to attain stability (they're called cations) and the negative charge arises when it accepts electrons (anions).

So what's the analogy bro?

It's pretty simple.
Let electrons be opinions.

Take a negatively charged particle for instance.

Why is it negatively charged?
Because it's accepting electrons.

In human terms, when a person looks for validation, it takes in other people's opinions and let's it affect them. A lot of times, these opinions can hurt and forces the person to become someone they aren't. They cloud themselves with negative judgement, much like the tiny minus sign you see on top of anions.

And while it's true that accepting electrons makes them stable, when these radicals combine to form proper compounds, they may end up creating a highly reactive or explosive compound.

On the other hand, cations give away electrons to gain stability and get a plus sign on top.
This statement can be seen from 2 sides in a human's pov:

  1. You're giving your opinions to feel satisfied with yourself that you 'one upped' a person and attain that sense of (mental) 'stability'.
  2. You're providing valuable advice and constructive criticism which is genuinely useful in real life, so everyone loves you :)
It's your choice on which side you wish to see this metaphor. 

My only advice, don't let people's unnecessary opinions affect you.
Take inputs from who YOU wish can help you get better (and form a stable compound).

Hope this analogy was helpful in understanding a concept of both, Mental Health and Chemistry!
Don't forget to share and follow for more content, every Friday!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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