Khayali Pulao's vs Goals

 Hellew everyone and welcome backzo!

I'm pretty sure all of us have spent a significant time 'drooling' over imaginative scenarios in our heads. 
Who doesn't?

It's fun! You're in your own world; it's ideal, everything goes your way, you win the Grammy's for best new artist and totally don't use the shampoo bottle as a mic for your speech. 
(wow now I derailed too much and TMI haha)

Point is, we've all done it, continue to do it and there's no major reason to stop it.

But, when these situations don't work out in real life, they tend to leave a hole in our heart.
And that hole is hard to fix. 

goal is something you dedicate your time and efforts to, in achieving something in particular, like getting 95%+ in your exams. It drives you.

Khayali Pulao's on the other hand are similar to expecting to be a National topper in your Board exams. after wasting the year.

There's a difference right?
However, at times, Khayali pulaos' or imaginative scenes get too real  and most people tend to confuse it with their goals, leaving them disappointed and discrediting the achieved work. 

That's when things start to mess up because you bring upon a 'self expectation', negatively affecting your Mental Health.

And once you get into that cycle, it's almost impossible to stop.

You will always keep wanting more and more from you and will never be contended with who you are.

Yes, it's well said that 'Always try to be better you' and I absolutely agree with the saying.
But, it's also important to know that even if you don't achieve THAT level, you're still good where you are and you DO have a chance at being better.

There is always a plan B.

Life is a mixed bag of rejections, setbacks and joy. Embrace it (sheesh so cliché- easier said than done)

Make a list of your goals and dedicate time to reaching them. Along the way, enjoy the journey and do you :)

That was it for today's post! Hope I was able to clear out the confusion. Drop in some of your 'khayali pulaos' in the comments below and don't forget to share and follow for more!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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