Your Mental Illness ≠ Your Whole Personality.

 Hey everyone and welcome back :)

Today's post is based on something personal as well as something I observed around me quite a lot.
It's also inspired by a poem I authored recently, Classroom of Crazy.

Many at times, when a person comes out about their mental illness, people tend to associate it as the only thing about them. 
Whether they are talking to you or simply are an acquaintance, when people find out, it always stays at the back of their minds for whatever you do.

"Oh they're probably doing this because they have OCD"
"Oh this is just her Anxiety speaking"

Guess what!
It's only probable.

Maybe they're extremely talkative because their personality is extroverted - not just because they have ADHD.

People having a Mental Illness have a lot more to them than just it.

And if you want to be friends with them, the least you can do is not discriminate or judge them on the basis of it. Rather accept them for who they are. (It's similar to having a friend from the LGBTQ+ Community).
Treat them as equal individuals and try to understand their perspective in some situations.

It's really not that hard.

And if you're someone who does have a mental illness, know that it isn't the end of the world.
You can still accomplish great things in life and this isn't a setback.

Someone with Tourette's syndrome could be a great Kathakalli dancer.
Someone with ADHD could have a million impulsive ideas - many of which might just make a million-dollar industry.

Having a mental illness will cause a change in your everyday behaviour and influence you as a person. But you will always have a lot of unique features to you than just it.

You choose when, where and to whom you want to come out about it. And remember, it's not something to be ashamed of.

While this post may seem a teeny bit haphazard, the main point I wanted to convey was (as the title suggests)

Your Mental Illness ≠ Your Whole Personality.

That was it for today's post!
I hope you all enjoyed reading it :)
Don't forget to share and comment for more content, every Friday!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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