Disclaimer: Please take this post as a pinch of salt and a dash of humour. You may relate to this post but please do not use it as a base to self-diagnose.

Hello hello everyone!
We've heard of Boy Math; we've heard of Girl Math; some of us have even heard of "Dog Math"

Welcome back to a fresh new month with ✨ADHD Math✨

ADHD math is hyper-focussing for 9 hours straight when you crack a concept but not being able to sit still for 2 minutes when it doesn't interest you in the least (despite a heavy deadline that you blissfully procrastinated because "you work well under pressure")

ADHD math is breaking down 40 pages into 2 20's; 20 into 2 10's; 10 into 2 5's and saying:
Okay, if I do 5 pages at a sitting thoroughly and take a break after, I should be done in 8 sittings.
 And then you reach the 35th page and the task is basically over (only 5 more pages, I'll do it later: the 8th sitting never made its way)

ADHD math is thinking:
The toast will take 5 minutes, the coffee, 7 and an omelette not more than 10. 
The next thing you realise is you forgot to cut the onions for your omelette so you begin doing so (forgetting about the toast, and the coffee goes cold.)  You sit at the table with your egg and bread and you're thinking about the fact that you've forgotten something but can't remember what; that is until your mom opens the microwave and there sits the coffee.

ADHD math is having a 3 p.m. appointment meaning you have to pre-plan at 10 p.m. of the previous day: get up at 8am, finish breakfast by 9, work but with timers to break the hyperfocus mode or work on something very boring that you keep jumping around and while your time till 11, take a bath, have lunch and sit ready to leave at 1pm. For an appointment at 3. 
(This is also termed as "waiting mode")

ADHD math is piling up books on your desk and clothes on your bed because if you see it often, you'll be more likely to clean it up. The next thing, it's so much that the prospect of cleaning it up fills you with paralysis and you never end up getting to it. Oh and when you do, you end up spending 3 days on it because hey! I didn't know I still had the Shrek figurine from Mcdonalds that I got on my second-grade best friend's birthday - let me stalk their Instagram and find out what they're up to.

If some of these sentences were slightly long and took you a minute to comprehend or maybe you went back, it was to show how an ADHD mind thinks. Sometimes it can be really random and at others, especially when you're talking or working on something they're passionate about, they'll be able to speak for hours without a single breath.

ADHD is a real mental illness. It comes under neurodivergence. So if you know someone who's going through it, don't ridicule them for the same because genuinely, it's a herculean task to "control it."

Don't forget to share and follow for more content every Friday!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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