The End of an Era...or is it?

 Happy New Year Eve Eve Eve!
(mentally insert Pheobe meme)

Heilo everyone and welcome backzo to the last #faltufriday post of the year <3

In all honesty, I'm not quite sure how to write this blog; so just a heads up, this post is going to be a very random collection of thoughts put together...and I hope you enjoy :)

I've got some lukewarm news.
If you haven't yet deciphered from my socials, yes, it's true. 
This is my last blog post.

For a while.
Lemme explain.

Blogging has been the most consistent activity I've kept up with, for more than 4 years now. It's one that has - not exaggerating - been a defining moment in my life.
Now I'm not going to be senti and all in this blog because it's not the very last blog post I pen.
So, no goodbyes are hard but it's for the best; no

Genuinely speaking, it was a very hard decision I've had to take but I knew it was the right one.
Alongside being absolutely swamped with college applications and Board Exam prep, I've developed a suspected neural strain in my hand that prevents me from spending long hours on the computer (hence the cast in the first picture.) 

I've always loved every aspect of creating content - researching, learning, Feynman-ing, actually writing, and refining by making it relatable and easy to understand - and I've always been a strong advocate of balancing mental and physical health. 
I think this blog would be the most hypocritical in the world if I couldn't follow what I preach.

Taking a break from blogging is taking some time off to dedicate it to a slightly more critical phase in my life. It's time taken off to rejuvenate and be back with better content rather than slogging it off.

Starting this blog in 9th grade has literally defined my career choice today. And I don't think it'd be fair to turn my back on it just after landing the opportunity to study it in depth.

Damselzinsanity is not going to end anytime soon. 
To everyone who's been reading and supporting my content these past 4 years, a big big thank you.
I'll be back after my Boards with a 1000% more interesting content - that's my promise.

So, to the very last blog of the year - and for a while:

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


  1. Thank you for your blog, it's the best ever for me !!

  2. I will wait for the boards to end…..I love your blogs!


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