The Pressure to be "Perfect"

 Hey everyone!

Welcome back :)

Today's post is based on something that has become more prevalent than ever nowadays and also one which was HIGHLY requested by you guys!(Thank you so much<3)

The pressure to be perfect -it can be loosely translated into "The Clout of Judgement" .

I think all of us can agree the insistence of having everything "perfect" has significantly increased over the past few years, especially among teenagers. A lot of us have even been through this(guilty :P)

Starting off,The 3 P's.

Padhai, Popularity and the Perfect Body.

100% in studies and extracurriculars, the biggest and most happening social life ever coupled with having the most ideal body according to society.

More often than not, not having even one of them makes one believe that they aren't "good enough" and makes a person susceptible to the fear of judgement. Little is it known that nearly everyone goes through this.

The pressure to be a certain way, not just to fit in amongst everyone else but to have the satisfaction that you have fit in. In most cases, subconsciously, one tries to make themselves "worthy" of achieving something. To further add on to that, when a person is trying to change something about themselves, there are always going to be numerous people who're going to comment on you, thus bringing your self esteem even lower. 

We can all agree that all of us have had this thought strike our minds and in some cases caused us to spiral. It's important to recognise and eliminate the voice in your head  that feeds your brain with the garbage of being absolutely idealistic and flawless. 

Factors such as social media play a drastic role in all of these-check out the link's below to read it!

That was it for today! Hope y'all enjoyed it <3


Don't forget to share and write down your experiences in the comments below!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


  1. I personally have been through this and it's great how you posted about this.. thanks kuhu you're doing a great job


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