10th Grade: The Roller Coaster Year
Hello everyone and welcome back to month 22 of #faltufriday!! For people who are new here, I recently gave my term 2 of my 10th grade ICSE boards which FINALLY marked the end of an incredibly cosmic roller coaster ride. The past 15 academic months have been absolutely crazy - dealing with online studies and keeping up with the '10th grade pressure', so I thought, why not share my journey now that I'm finally over with them! I'm a science student so my boards ended on the 19th of May, 2022. However, I started preparations for the same, back in March-end, 2021. 15 dreadful yet the most memorable month's of my entire academic journey. About a week after my 9th grade exams had ended was when 10th grade commenced for me. Both school and tuition began and the end goal of 10th Grade was set. The first couple of weeks did seem a bit overwhelming considering the huge pressure and importance that is given to this aspect of your life, however, I dealt with the same soon. One...