
Mental Health Movies: Bollywood Edition

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 29 of #faltufriday and the last one for this year! As many of you are aware, I am HUGE fanatic of movies, and even more of Bollywood.  For this month's Faltu friday, I thought why not cover my two favourite spheres: Bollywood Movies and Mental Health! I'm gonna try my best to keep off spoilers so without further ado, Let's get to it! Firstly, I have no idea why half the people I've spoken to haven't watched this film.  It's an incredibly heartwarming and comedic film with a really good turn of events in the middle.  I'm not that great at critiquing movies, but Sara Ali Khan's acting in this movie was spectacular and Akshay Kumar's role and acting was...epic. Definitely worth a watch - 10/10 would recommend  When we think of movies that involve Mental Health in Bollywood, Dear Zindagi tops the list. Most of us have probably watched this film, but if you haven't, I would recommend you to - it's a really nice

Coloring and Mental Health

  Hello everyone and welcome back to the last 'informative' post of the year!! We've all probably heard of the saying, "Coloring is therapeutic", right? We associate it with that word mostly because when we perform it, it calms us down. The reason behind the same: When we colour, our mind is fully engrossed in it, trying to get everything in line and perfect form that it blocks an anxious thing out of our brains. We fully focus on the art. But did you know, there's more to this? It has an immense effect on your mental health too! Without further ado, let's find out how :) Though there isn't an extensive research on this particular topic, evidence suggests that coloring can greatly reduce your stress levels. It can provide little relief temporarily to let your mind find some ease and relax and then go back to a stressor and approach it with a different perspective. 'Adult coloring books' acts as an alternative to meditation. Living in the presen

"Bro, Depression Ho Gaya"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back <3 This post is actually inspired from something I saw both online and in real life, and it irked me quite a lot. "Bro, Depression Ho Gaya"   like the tittle says, is something I heard in school. The context being: They didn't do so well in an exam or just think it's funny/relatable.  My main aim in this post is to focus rather on why we should stop just throwing these words around rather than just being an "overreactive advocate" (Yes, people have actually said that to me.) Without further ado, let's get to it.  The Stigma. There's a HUGE stigma surrounding Mental Health globally. People are afraid to open up because of this surrounding layer of apparent shame.  When people use such terms and sentences, they unknowingly add more to the very stigma.  It makes the victim believe as if what they are going through "isn't a big deal" and further burdens them from not opening up about it. Their fears are underm

Peer Pressure

  Hello everyone and welcome back! This is perhaps one of the most common terms we've come across at every stage of our lives - most of us are well acquainted with what it is too. But just for a quick recap, Peer pressure is the kind of social obligation you're bound to perform to fit into a particular group. It may not necessarily be negative at all times, however, when used in context does mostly refer to the same. I'll be discussing about the same in this post so without further ado, let's get to it! I'm sure all of us at some point have had the 'peer pressure talk' with our parents.  We've been warned against drinking before the legal age and smoking cigarettes (at any age) or doing any sort of illegal activities even if a lot of our friends or known people our age do. The fact still lies that most people around the age of 11-13 have a tendency to disobey their parents and just assume whatever their peers are endorsing in as more valuable. T his is o

Will Computers Take Over the Mental Health Sector?

 Hi everyone! Welcome back <3 A couple of months ago, I had worked on a project in which I used Python to detect facial emotions. During this course, I was introduced to several Machine Learning fundamentals, one of which was 'Natural Language Processing' (NLP). An example of using NLP was to build a 'Mental Health Chatbot' (MHC)- which led me to to think,  "Are computers the future in this aspect?" This post will be more of my take on this topic rather than a general awareness one, so without further ado, let's get to it! As an aspiring cognitive science student, it is no surprise that AI and Mental Health fascinates me the most. I spend maximum of my time learning about various sectors AI has conquered. A few examples include self- driving cars, detecting facial emotions and music recommender systems. The reason why 'Mental Health Chatbots' got me thinking because this is one of the few places where humans overpower robots in terms of effectiv

Is OTT killing Big Cinema?

Hello everyone and welcome back to month 28 of #faltufriday! I recently wrote an article for a magazine titled ' Is OTT killing Big Cinema? ' and found this topic really unique.  I've been brought up in a generation where I could observe the shift from mainstream media to OTT platforms so this authoring this article was really fun for me. Disclaimer: It was an argumentative article so what you'll be reading is going to be a one sided argument, nevertheless, feel free to drop in the comments if y'all agree with my pov or otherwise! Without further ado, happy reading! “Change is the only constant” With the onset of Covid, we saw various OTT platforms gaining popularity. With the bad boys in the house - Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+Hotstar dominating the industry, it does make one wonder, are these platforms the future?  Can you name India’s first OTT platform? While most of us may not have heard of it, BigFlix, by Reliance, was India's first. Only that it came

Be Weird, Be Different

 Hey everyone and welcome backzo! Most of us, if not all, have probably experienced some sort of 'misfit' in school. Some of us may have tried changing ourselves in our sense of style, our way of speaking, or even our whole personality all together just to 'fit in'. I've been through it too, and after long time, realized and overcame it; which is why I wanted to share with you all why it's 100% okay to be you. Just the way you are. Without further ado, lets get to it! As spoken in  my earlier post, my present personality can best be encapsulated in the term ' Ambivert ' And the reason why I find this as my comfort term is because it let's me be me, and explore me. (wow I sound like some 23 year old sheesh) Up to freshmen year, I used to be pretty introverted and didn't have anything 'unique' to me. But after online school began, I started writing blogs and something changed. I had something unique to me. I wrote. As I kept writing, I kept

Make Stress Your Friend

 Hi everyone and welcome back! Today's post is based on a Ted Talk I recently watched and wanted to share with you all :) We've often heard the repercussions of 'Stress' - especially the negative impacts has on your body.  However, a recent study has concluded that stress is only bad if you take it in a bad way. People who consider stress to be the devil are often more prone to stress related conditions than people who make it their friend. When you view your stress response as helpful, you indirectly create a biology of courage.  Too little stress can make you unproductive and too much can make you extremely anxious and lead to various repercussions. You can't control the situation, but you can control your reaction to it, and that is by making it your friend.  Now the next question that may arise would be, How do I make Stress my friend? Well to answer that, I would recommend you watch the ted talk I was inspired by: Here!   Instead of viewing stress as something


(We've all probably seen this image on social media) Hello everyone and welcome back!     A lot of times we feel as if we are over a particular incident or a person. However, sometimes we are greeted with the reoccurrence of the same feeling. Sometimes a little milder, or sometimes worse - most of us aren't able to recognize and combat this and end up spiraling.  I've had it, you have probably too, and chances are, everyone out there has or will. It's natural and human but our minds make us believe its not.   In today's post I'll be getting into Setbacks  and discuss why it can helpful to us and how to work through them. Note: I won't be getting into it from a serious disorder perspective rather one which we all feel at regular intervals as I'm not a professional!  Without further ado, let's get to it! Setbacks: A step back. When we go through one, we hate it. "Why me?", right? We may blame ourselves, be angry at ourselves. How did I let th

Durga Pujo: 2 years later!

 Hello everyone!  Welcome back to month 27 of #faltufriday! For month 3 of #faltufriday, I had authored a post on ' The Fragrance of Pujo '. Nearly 2 years later, post Covid restrictions, I finally got to celebrate Durga Pujo with its quintessential pomp and show, and wanted to share my experience on the same with you all :) Without further ado, Let's get to it! The full week of Durga Pujo was definitely the highlight of this year. I left absolutely no stone unturned and made sure to check off everything from my list before I leave for college. Starting off with day 1 of celebrations (Maha-Panchami), I helped my mother in her Anondomala Stall. For my non- Bengali folks who are unaware of what Anondomala is: It's simply a 'Khushi Mela'- or 'Happiness Fest', except we all sell food.  My mom sells her iconic butter chicken and laccha paratha every year and if you're a non-vegetarian, I can tell you hands down, its the best one you will ever have. On