Hello hello and welcome (back) to my blog :) After writing over 30+ essays for college apps and over 3000(totally not an exaggeration) pages of textbook content, senioritis caught up to me. It's always better to take a break than to slack off and produce poor results; which is why, 3 months ago, I decided to take a break from blogging. Truth be said: I missed blogging. It's an activity I've pursued weekly since freshman year of High school. One, which has not only opened up so many opportunities in the field but made me better. A better writer, a better person. Obviously, you can't turn your back on an activity that has given you so much. So, I've decided to get back to my passion project, but with a few tweaks :) Timeline shift: DamselzInsanity began as a weekly blog in my freshman year of High School, during Covid. Over the years, while the pandemic subsided, my workload escalated. And as I enter university life, I know for a fact that maintaining a weekly sch...