The Lack Of Motivation

 Heylo everyone! Welcome back!

The Lack Of Motivation. We've all had that. Some of us even phrase it as "procrastination"; but for the rest of us, its not that. Some of us at times feel as if kyu karna hai yeh? What am I getting out of it. Telling you from personal experience, I often feel this lag too. Heck, I felt like this a couple of weeks ago too-which is what caused me to write on this topic in the first place.

I have always been the world's most lazy person. Often been called a sloth by my sister :P

(Fun fact: If not damselz-in-sanity, the alternate name to my blog would have been "A Sloth's Blog")

Up till a couple of weeks, I used to experience extreme fatigue in even opening up blogger to write something. You could say I hit kind of a "slump" because whatever I posted wasn't that interactive or wasn't "up to the mark". I never even told anyone about this because I felt like I could get through this by myself-truth being told- NOPE.

It just kept getting worse and worse and even when some posts did take off, I wasn't that elated. I had to recognise that I had a paucity to do this; and when I finally did, I was clueless on how I should combat it. I reached out to a friend of mine who helped me get through it and its worked wonders.

This is just an instance where I went through this. A lot us experience this on a daily basis which is why I wrote down a few methods which helped me and hopefully, will help you too.


Why? Why did I start my blog? Why did I go through with it?
It's important to remember the roots you began from because that's the only thing that is going to push you forward. You have to cherish the fact that you started it and why you shouldn't back down. Have you reached your goals? No..? THEN DON'T GIVE UP! Push yourself to do better-that's the only way you'll be able to regain that motivation. Also, a lot of you wanted to know why I started my blog-y'all will get to know really soon ;)


This method is actually pretty effective in most situations. Whether you're studying or working on an important assignment, at times we feel a little "cramped up". Your study table might be super clean but there's just that feeling. Change your surrounding. Go sit near a window or go down in your building and just get some fresh air in. At times, change up your routine. That will energize your mood instantly.
I also like to take 10 minute breaks every 30 minutes which doing a task. Not only will it freshen you up, the efficiency of your brain too increases-which helps you do the task better.


You’ll battle with motivation as long as you aren’t indulging in Self-Care. Sleep-deprivation, a bad diet, and shortage of leisure time are only some things that may make trudging through the day more hard than ever. You can read about how you can practice in my previous post about this topic.

Of course, there are plenty other ways one can get through this feeling. These were my favourites :)

Everyone struggles with motivation issues at one time or another. The way you respond to your lack of motivation is what matters, however. Not to be too clique, be kind to yourself, experiment with strategies that increase your motivation, and ask for help if you need it.

That was it for today! Drop your thoughts in the comments below. Surprise coming up next week so tuned :)
Don't forget to share and subscribe for more :)

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


  1. omg this post is so relatable cause my family is to busy so I write my feelings in a dairy but this post really really helped me getting through my feelings and learning about self-care and it also encouraged me to stand for myself and NEVER GIVE UP...I wanna say thankyou so much for writing this post and helping people getting through their feelings and standing for themselves.

  2. Thank you so much! These kind of comments really make my day! Glad I could help :)


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