
Showing posts with the label School

Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health!

 Hi everyone! Welcome backk!! Today's post is one on which I've been meaning to write on for a really long time and finally got the opportunity to.    Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health Perhaps something which we have all heard at some time but blissfully chosen to ignore (I did too eep :p) Until recently, when I deactivated most of my social media due to my exams did I realise the harmful impacts of social media in our lives.  I cannot comprehend into words how relieved I felt those 4 weeks I was away from the media.  Most of us don't understand something until we actually go through it. The amount of FOMO and drama that it feeds you with is unimaginable.  Social Media    fuels the need to present yourself in a particular manner, follow a particular regime, and overall be this " perfect person ". It takes a terrible toll on your mental health, often leading to various repercussions. A few of which include: HORRIBLE amounts of anxiousness Cyberbullying is

Starting High School: All Over Again.

 Heyy everyone! Welcome to a fresh new month <3 Today's post is somewhat special. Not only is it a SUPER requested one, it's also a revamp of my very first blog: Starting High School. This post was authored by me almost a year and a half ago when I started high school during a pandemic. Jumpstart to 2 years, offline school began for me - the compulsory one :( and it has not been going as well as expected. Perhaps now is the time when my 'student feels' of stress and anxiety caused by school is kicking in, but nevertheless, I know this feeling is pretty common among my peers and other schoolmates so I chose to throw a bit of limelight on it in today's post! The pandemic induced online studies certainly had a few pros to itself. The biggest one being: Time . I am a grade 10th student so for me, any spare second I find is precious. Now don't get me wrong, going to school is beneficial, however, since you may have lost the rhythm of it, the first few days of it c

Emotional Support Animals

 Hello everyone! Welcome back <3 Don't we all love animals? Well this post is another reason for the same :) I recently watched a tv show called 'The Healing Powers of Dude' on Netflix which led to the inspiration of writing this post. We've all heard of a term called 'support animals', perhaps even come across it in real life; but do we completely understand the concept behind it? In today's post I'll be breaking down the basics of this term and the benefits it provided its users with.  To start off, What are 'Emotional Support Animals'? An Emotional Support Animal is an animal that provides therapeutic benefit to a person suffering from a serious mental health condition. They are used in clinical settings to bring comfort by their presence and other possessed qualities to individuals in need. Their presence alone is what is thought to provide their owner with solace and therapeutic benefit. How are they different from pets? In most cases dog

Support Groups

 Hello everyone! Welcome back <3 Today's post is based on something that is a bit unknown to some of us.  Support groups! Now a lot of us have heard about the term " therapy ", right? This is related to that.  Now explicitly speaking, the term Support groups' meaning is pretty straightforward. It's a meeting of a group of people, who have been through similar experiences, to provide help and companionship to one another. A primary distinguishing feature of support groups is that most times, a professional is present who doesn't share the problem of members and helps supervise the meeting. Are they really helpful though? Support groups have had a significant growth over the past few years and a lot of them have showed a positive result. I for one do believe that these are helpful. Let me draw you an example: Most of us are friends with people we share some common interests. We have topics of conversations and debates but there is always some subjects we don&

Dealing with Burn Out

 Hey everyone!  Welcome back <3 Congratulation to all my fellow ICSE readers, WE SURVIVED BOARDS PART I! Aaj ka post is a special requested one by many of my batchmates. I am a person studying in Grade 10 and this entire year, has been SO stressful and have led to several cases of burnout within me However, over time I've learnt a few coping mechanisms, which I wanted to share with you guys-because we all go through it-VERY FREQUENTLY.  I covered the topic on ' What is Burnout ' and today I'll be writing about a few methods I indulged in to bring myself up again!  Starting off, Be it catching up on your binging, reading a book, journaling whatever is your way to cool down-DO IT. It's more important now than ever that we work towards getting back to normal. But remember, Study-life balance is really important . Set up your schedule for equal parts school and fun or social activities. And don’t forget to make time for just YOU and  catch up on your missed out slee

The Pressure to be "Perfect"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back :) Today's post is based on something that has become more prevalent than ever nowadays and also one which was HIGHLY requested by you guys!(Thank you so much<3) The pressure to be perfect   - it can be loosely translated into "The Clout of Judgement "  . I think all of us can agree the insistence of having everything "perfect" has significantly increased over the past few years, especially among teenagers. A lot of us have even been through this(guilty :P) Starting off, The 3 P's. Padhai, Popularity and the Perfect Body. 100% in studies and extracurriculars, the biggest and most happening social life ever coupled with having the most ideal body according to society. More often than not, not having even one of them makes one believe that they aren't "good enough" and makes a person susceptible to the fear of judgement. Little is it known that nearly everyone goes through this. The pressure to be a certain way, not

Burn Out

 Burn out. Something that has become really very common in today's times among everyone-be it kids, teens or adults. In today's post, I'll mainly be focussing on it from a teen's perspective. In all honestly, I'll admit the source of inspiration for this post was through a podcast episode which I'll linking below :D But before I get to that let us first understand, What exactly is Burn Out? When you google this term, the first answer you'll get this definition: Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Though this is pretty self explanatory, it does not convey the entire meaning of the term 'Burn Out'.  Burnout can take distinctive forms, affecting someone physically, emotionally, and behaviourally. Burnout can consist of physical and mental symptoms such as frequent illness, disengagement and detachment along with blunted effect of feelings of frustration, helplessness, and hopelessne

Bullying-Does It Still Exist?

 Heyyo!  Welcome back! This is a topic I had originally written as a draft for my first post. At that time, it seemed as a very dull and click nahi karne vala topic so I decided not to publish it. Nearly a year later, I was going through my older posts and realised that this is actually a pretty misperceived topic. After witnessing such an event take place right in front of my eyes, I thought, why not write a new version on this topic? So, here we are :) I'm gonna try my best to not make this a typical "cliché" post where I just give solutions on how to "stop" it-nope. Both of us know it's not gonna be of much use🤷🏻‍♀️ Without further ado, lets get to it! A lot of us feel that bullying has reduced over the past few years and only exists among young kids. I actually disagree with this. With several factors being considered, the cases of bullying has actually increased-and not just among kids-rather among teens too.  People feel that it is non-existent for 2

Self Esteem of Teens-Part II

 Hey everyone! In my last weeks post   I spoke about how the decline in Self-Esteem has become a rising factor among adolescents of this generations. It has existed for quite some time however, due to the increase in social media engagement, the graph has taken a hit. As I promised in last weeks blog post, today's post is going to be on some general  ways you can try implementing in your lifestyle to overcome low Self-esteem . So, without further ado, lets get to it :) You might feel that this is a very cliché advice that lots of people give- I did too🤷🏻‍♀️ Until I decided to give it a try. It may feel forceful at times-that's completely normal. When you feel that you're overthinking over something, FILL your brain with opposite thoughts.  Often number of times, teens have felt low due to something happening in real life or online and have blamed themselves for it. For example, someone sees a post online promoting unrealistic body types -they tend to self-scrutinize whi

Self-Esteem of Teens-Part I

 Hey everyone! Welcome back!! The Self Esteem of Teens Is it better than what it was 30 years ago? Or is it much much worse?  Self-Esteem is a very crucial matter that is extremely important, especially at this age.  Many teens, their teachers, their parents, and others suppose that during teenage, one's mental health is likely to decline. Adolescence may be described as a time of increasingly heightened self-scrutiny and significantly fluctuating self-esteem. But the solution isn't always completely clear, as self-esteem is a subjective state, and consequently very difficult to measure.  Self-esteem refers to how much a person likes (esteems) themselves.  Adolescents have various stages of self-esteem, which appears to be influenced by factors such as as gender, ethnicity, and social class. It also can range within an individual - every teen may also have different stages of self-esteem in different domains such as social, scholastics, athletics, appearance, and general behavi

What's Causing So Much Anxiety in Students?

Anxiety or the feeling of anxiousness has become a constant issue among students of this age. School can be rife with stress, disquietude and worry. Not just academically, even social situations and norms have caused a steep rise in anxiety among the youth. Keeping up with futile trends, having the perfect image, interpersonal issues as well as peer pressure has played a key role in the up rise of this mental health illness.  So then the question arises, "If this is that common, where do we even know where this originates from?" The answer is simple-everywhere. The environment the youth is exposed to has multiple repercussions-one of which include anxiety. It can come from something that is happening in school, something that is happening online or even something at home. These three places are the most places where an adolescent spends 90% of time in; and that is where this can arise.  For most cases, one sees the first signs of anxiety are seen between the ages of kindergar

Should Schools Take Mental Health Seriously?

Hey Everyone! With the 'back to school' mode beginning for almost all of us here's a post based on it!   School can be rife with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and even burnout-but there's often no fixed policy for students who need to prioritize their well-being.  Mental Health has often been one of the most neglected topics that a majority of schools ignore. There are plenty of educational institutions all over the world which do take this seriously, however not all. The term "Mental Health" is itself stigmatized in a majority of places. People do not speak up about it and are scared to even open up about it in the fear of judgement.  Where does the problem even begin? We as students, spend almost most of our time either at home or at school. The age group of 12-18 is most likely to develop symptoms that may affect one's mental health during this age due to a number of reasons. It could be due to something at home or stress, tension, pressure, etc. from

Mental Health Illnesses=Cool?

  Hey Everyone!! Welcome to Mental Health Awareness Month! So, we all may have a come across with at least one person in our lives who might have used the name of a mental disorder incorrectly. I've had my share too. I have seen a lot of people claim that they are "depressed" or have "anxiety" without really knowing what it is. Took me a while to understand why they said stuff like this, but when found out the reason I was appalled. To look cool, duh "Seriously?!" That was my exact reaction-in every tone imaginable. Sarcastic, shocked, surprised, amazed, aghast and what not! This very encounter is the reason why I chose to write to write on this topic and throw some light on why having a mental illness IS NOT "COOL". For starters, why would you want to diagnose yourself with something you don't have? You wouldn't do that if  it were a physical illness, right? You wouldn't say that you've gotten a fracture when its simply a spr


 Heyy everyone! Welcome back to month 9 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random. Today's post is not like any regular faltu friday because today is a special one! A lot of you might have come across me hyping up about a surprise post on my socials-well wait no longer :) Today's post is a collaborative one with a likeminded friend of mine, Aanya Lodha :) Aanya, is a 14 year old attending Oberoi International School. She previously ran a mental health account on Instagram, @teen.trauma , but is currently taking a break from that. She loves doing what any teenager does; listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with her friends and family. She's not a professional and has never struggled with her mental health, but she knows many people that did, which is part of what made her so interested in starting her account, which promotes and educates people on mental health, in the first place. Her zeal towards educating had also played a role in inspired


Okay, I cannot begin to explain how long the stigma around mental illness has stuck around and how freaking annoying it is.  Very few people genuinely want to take this topic seriously and that's why it is neglected so much.  Yes, social media has played a great role in educating others on this topic but there are still a lot of people who refuse to believe something like this exists and it is as important as physical health. What a lot of people don't understand is that this thing can stick around for a longer time than most physical problems and can be very harmful in the long run; which is why I want to play my role to apprise people on why we should stop the stigma. First things first, What is a 'Mental Illness'  In a nutshell, it could be described as conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood severely. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others adversely.  There isn't just 'one' mental