Goodbye; High School.
Heylo everyone and welcome to a fresh new month :) I'm back with another poem - born at 18:42pm on a Friday when I had over 17 things on my to-do list but felt like doing nothing but a 'poem rant'. Presenting to you, Goodbye; High School. In all honesty, I have no idea where I’m headed with this. I sit at my table, staring at the screen’s glare, How did it get so complicated? I weep in my despair. 800 pages of Organic Chemistry A pinch of 150 Math sums too, Juggling to complete my research paper, My senses wish adieu. This inevitable pressure to have it all, Does anyone truly? An overcast cloud; unduly. Get good grades, You’ll have an amazing college; How do I manage it all? My mental health - acknowledge? I want to scream and shout and break everything around, But here I sit; Straining my eyes out. The relentless comparison, The fights to be on top, Will YOU ever make up, For the friends, I had to drop? Flustered I cry, Waiting for every day to get by. For a year from now,...