
Showing posts matching the search for sleep

Durga Pujo: 2 years later!

 Hello everyone!  Welcome back to month 27 of #faltufriday! For month 3 of #faltufriday, I had authored a post on ' The Fragrance of Pujo '. Nearly 2 years later, post Covid restrictions, I finally got to celebrate Durga Pujo with its quintessential pomp and show, and wanted to share my experience on the same with you all :) Without further ado, Let's get to it! The full week of Durga Pujo was definitely the highlight of this year. I left absolutely no stone unturned and made sure to check off everything from my list before I leave for college. Starting off with day 1 of celebrations (Maha-Panchami), I helped my mother in her Anondomala Stall. For my non- Bengali folks who are unaware of what Anondomala is: It's simply a 'Khushi Mela'- or 'Happiness Fest', except we all sell food.  My mom sells her iconic butter chicken and laccha paratha every year and if you're a non-vegetarian, I can tell you hands down, its the best one you will ever have. On

The Wheel of Emotions

This wheel was created by Robert Plutchik to illustrate different sentiments and responses a person has to different situations. We often tend to have have a mixture of feelings when something surprising or stupefied comes across. Whether its good marks in an exam which you thought you would fail or you're having an anxiety attack or simply just a surprise party. There's this mix of emotions which cannot be expressed in words because of the overwhelming feeling that comes on us. We often tend to be nonplussed and perplexed when such kind of circumstances fall upon us that we end up reacting completely different from what we are feeling.  Let me draw a picture for you. Imagine, you're up till 1am studying for an exam the next day. You're stressed because it's a really important. You're crying and studying and trying to cope with the great stress but you ultimately come to stop and decide to sleep. Next morning you give the exam. There's this blend of relief b


  A couple of days ago, I asked you all on my social media accounts on what you thought having FOMO is like and I was really shocked with the responses I got. Some of you gave direct facts that made sense and there were some which did not so much. Here were a few of your responses: To comprehend, fear of missing out is a social tension stemmed from the perception that others are probably having amusing even as the individual experiencing the tension isn't present. It is characterised with the aid of using a preference to live constantly related to what others are doing. FOMO is likewise described as a worry of regret, which can also additionally cause issues that one may omit a possibility for social interaction, a singular enjoy or a worthwhile investment. It is the concern that identifying now no longer to take part is the wrong choice. What are its negative impacts on our Mental Health? It seems likely that too much FOMO harms your mental health. Social networking creates many p

CS is a Funny Subject

"Ugh I can't solve this right now, I'll do this as homework." The homework: Stuck to the computer, Eye power going up, “Come outside for dinner” 2 minutes hours - Let me just finish this mock-up! Decoding at two in the morning, With a cup of coffee at the side , How did I fall in love with the subject? Okay, I tried! System.out.println(); Or print(‘I’m gonna win’); The inevitable battle between Java and Python, It’s 3am. Why am I hearing a violin? Gah! This code is killing me, I’m just gonna go sleep now. Binary code and The Matrix in my mind, The answer came up in my dream somehow? Hopped on to the computer, Single handedly making the coffee industry a billionaire, Ladies and Gentlemen, she’s solved the code! It’s time to get out of your sleepwear. From “Hello World”, To a 10th grade ‘Tech'- Tac Toe, A 3 line code, Became a kilo. Can’t wait to study this in the future, Probably going to get a lot worse, But Hey! It pays off at the end It makes your brain a lot m

Doctor Google

  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I've been unable to sleep lately  "Insomnia you could catch?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I like cleaning obsessively  "Is it OCD that has hatched?"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I don't like going out at all "Social Anxiety's in your bag"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have It's like two people living in my head "Bipolar disorder, you trash" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I suffer from excessive heavy breathing   "Anxiety, is that what's in your stash?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have  I'm sad 24x7  "Congratulations, with depression you have a match!" Hello Doctor Google Please tell me what I have I get traumatic flashbacks "PTSD, is it that?" Hello Doctor Google Please keep your advice away Give me the closest clinic's number  I need to make sure I'm

Self Care Myths

  What is Self Care? The definition of 'Self Care' and what it is has often been misunderstood by a lot of people.  It is any activity you deliberately do in order to take care of your emotional and physical well-being.  It's not particularly taking a bath in a bathtub with candles and stuff and neither is it just binging Netflix all day long.   The term Self care has been a misconception which is why I've decided to debunk Top 5 Self Care Myths that have existed but make no sense. Believing that self-care is selfish is a relationally based myth that has roots in idolizing self-sacrifice over caretaking. The words “guilt” and “selfish”  are used synonymously when it comes to self-care. The reality is that we cannot be present for others or ourselves when we don’t take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. To reframe, self-care is really not 100% about you. It is about being able to attend to your needs so you can show up in the best way possible for o

Mental Health Movies

 Hii! Welcome back to month 16 of #faltufriday!  Being an avid T.V. watcher I have always loved consuming content in the form of movies and T.V. Shows.  Couple of months ago, I had written on recommendations of my favourite T.V. shows which recently gave me rise to an idea; why not share my favourite movies too?  So, in that case, here are my "most loved" and go-to movies on Mental Health which I can watch innumerable number of times and never get bored of :) Number One: Charlie, a 15-year-old introvert, enters high school and is nervous about his new life. When he befriends his seniors, he learns to cope with his friend's demise and his tumultuous past. The reason I like this film is because it looks at the reality of mental illness among high school students. This film suggests the grim reality of living through a mental illness and having to deal with people who do not understand or care to understand. This film “normalizes” what Charlie is going through and shows him

Dealing with Burn Out

 Hey everyone!  Welcome back <3 Congratulation to all my fellow ICSE readers, WE SURVIVED BOARDS PART I! Aaj ka post is a special requested one by many of my batchmates. I am a person studying in Grade 10 and this entire year, has been SO stressful and have led to several cases of burnout within me However, over time I've learnt a few coping mechanisms, which I wanted to share with you guys-because we all go through it-VERY FREQUENTLY.  I covered the topic on ' What is Burnout ' and today I'll be writing about a few methods I indulged in to bring myself up again!  Starting off, Be it catching up on your binging, reading a book, journaling whatever is your way to cool down-DO IT. It's more important now than ever that we work towards getting back to normal. But remember, Study-life balance is really important . Set up your schedule for equal parts school and fun or social activities. And don’t forget to make time for just YOU and  catch up on your missed out slee

I asked ChatGPT to Write Me a Blog Post

 Hey everyone! Welcome backzo :) I'm sure we're all familiar with the AI craze going through the charts with the introduction of ChatGPT right? As a fellow AI enthusiast, I have spent a significant amount of time experimenting with it which gave me an idea - why not ask it to write me a mental health blog post? Through this post, I'm going to share the response I got, and throw a little lime light on if it could replace artists once and for all. Without further ado, I present to you, the blog post! Teenage years can be a challenging time for many individuals. It is a period of transition, as adolescents navigate the physical, emotional, and social changes that come with growing up. Unfortunately, this transition can also come with its fair share of stress and mental health concerns. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common mental health issues that teenagers may face and offer tips on how to support them through this critical time. One of the most prevalent me

Starting High School: All Over Again.

 Heyy everyone! Welcome to a fresh new month <3 Today's post is somewhat special. Not only is it a SUPER requested one, it's also a revamp of my very first blog: Starting High School. This post was authored by me almost a year and a half ago when I started high school during a pandemic. Jumpstart to 2 years, offline school began for me - the compulsory one :( and it has not been going as well as expected. Perhaps now is the time when my 'student feels' of stress and anxiety caused by school is kicking in, but nevertheless, I know this feeling is pretty common among my peers and other schoolmates so I chose to throw a bit of limelight on it in today's post! The pandemic induced online studies certainly had a few pros to itself. The biggest one being: Time . I am a grade 10th student so for me, any spare second I find is precious. Now don't get me wrong, going to school is beneficial, however, since you may have lost the rhythm of it, the first few days of it c

Doom Scrolling

 It's as scary as it sounds. Hello everyone and welcome back! Have you ever thought to yourself, "Just 5 minutes of Instagram and I'll get back to studying at 3:000pm" and then suddenly realise it's been 2 hours? Welcome to ✨Doom Scrolling✨ The act of mindlessly scrolling through Social Media, normally used in the context of bad news. This word found its origin on Twitter and was mainly used during the Covid-19 pandemic. People would endlessly scroll through media, being exposed to negative posts thereby affecting their own mental peace. It mainly stems from loneliness, isolation and FOMO . There is a constant urge to be updated with everything that's going on and not be able to snap out of the void.  This, of course, can greatly affect your mental and well as physical health. Scientifically speaking, doom-scrolling can increase stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in your body. Your body stays in a constant state of alertness or panic making it di

The Lack Of Motivation

 Heylo everyone! Welcome back! The Lack Of Motivation. We've all had that. Some of us even phrase it as " procrastination "; but for the rest of us, its not that. Some of us at times feel as if kyu karna hai yeh? What am I getting out of it. Telling you from personal experience, I often feel this lag too. Heck, I felt like this a couple of weeks ago too-which is what caused me to write on this topic in the first place. I have always been the world's most lazy person. Often been called a sloth by my sister :P (Fun fact: If not damselz-in-sanity , the alternate name to my blog would have been "A Sloth's Blog") Up till a couple of weeks, I used to experience extreme fatigue in even opening up blogger to write something. You could say I hit kind of a "slump" because whatever I posted wasn't that interactive or wasn't "up to the mark". I never even told anyone about this because I felt like I could get through this by myself-truth