Classroom of Crazy
Welcome to the Classroom of Crazy Let’s have a quick roll call Everyone do your signature And introduce yourself to all! Hi! I’m Andy Anxiety, I tend to overthink a lot Sometimes I get panic attacks, Other times, my horse I trot. Hello, I’m Olive OCD Most people think I’m all about cleaning, Some weird super power I possess? Well it’s mostly just sleeping. Hey, I’m Debbie Depression, Some days..I just can’t, I have to keep a straight face through it all, In profession, I’m a lieutenant. HOWDY! I’M ASTRID ADHD I might be a little talkative and loud, It started towards teenage, Being a National level runner is something that makes me proud! Hi, I’m Belle Bulimia I look for comfort in my food, As a child I got ‘bullied’ a lot And I like dancing to Bollywood! Hello, I’m Polly PTSD, I’m hypervigilant and flashback prone, People think I have zero interests But I’m fond of painting stones! Hie, I’m Bob Bipolar My brain has severe mood swings, AAAAA SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I love m...